As a photographer or a beginner this ia a tip you should also consider in your photography profession or job. Now that we take nice and sharp pictures, we want to maximize the quality of them. In this article, we will explain how to increase the sharpness, during post processing.
The aim is to give advices on how to obtain better sharpness through the retouching. We will only give leads for you to explore instead of recipes to apply. Sharpness processing is not just a one step process, it is done through several operations. Experiment and find what is the best for you and for your pictures.

PHOTOGRAPHY:How to Increase the Sharpness of a Photograph


  1. Realize Sharpness. Sharpness setting is found in any good retouching software. Depending on the software you use, it may include further settings or just simple one single setting.Further settings in Lightroom are radius, details and amount.Basically sharpness is a global unsharp mask, which will globally accentuates the details of a picture. The further settings enable you to have more control over the sharpness.
  2. Realise Clarity. Clarity is an option found in Lightroom, it is very useful when you want to give strength to a picture. It makes the edges surrealistic if you over-use it though. Best used for male portraits, landscape and items photography. Combined with the sharpness setting in Lightroom, it turns this software into a very powerful retouching tool.
  3. Lots of noise in this image 
    Lots of noise in this image
    Be aware of Noise. Noise may seem quite odd when talking about sharpness. One would mostly try to reduce noise as much as possible when taking a picture. Why would we add noise during post processing then? It is not only the noise we are trying to keep to the minimum when taking a photograph. But it is also about retaining the maximum details available and a good dynamic of colors. This way one has more flexibility in post treatment. Adding noise is about the perception of a picture. Noise gives a photograph some texture, this perception of texture can lead to sharpness. It is a risky mix though, and should be carefully considered.
  4. Use layers. This technique requires a powerful retouching software, such as Photoshop.The idea is to create a new layer in which one will just accentuate some edges of a picture (the high pass filter is a good start). Then the layer is mixed with other layers (you would mostly use overlay or soft light). This technique is very powerful. Not only does it bring sharpness, but it also gives the photograph some texture. The flexibility offered by the layer system is priceless.
  5. Use masks. The idea of using masks is to give sharpness by contrasts, sharpening only a small part of a picture to make it pop better. You may want to use it to emphasize one element of a photograph.
  6. Combine images. The idea of combining images is to reduce the overall noise and to increase the overall resolution.One can combine images through a panorama software or using Photoshop.
  7. Realise High Dynamic Range imaging (HDR). HDR is very controversial, It is about shooting several pictures and then mixing them together to get the most dynamic. The idea is to overcome the sensor limit, which is to capture only a specific range.HDR offers great possibilities, which can also result in very unreal picture look. It is to be used carefully, as a tool to reach a goal.HDR can also be applied without giving an unreal look to pictures, it really depends on your vision and your mastering of the process. Most HDR combining software give you great control over how the pictures will mix. You can use them to obtain great sharpness. Thanks for checking it out, hope you enjoyed reading the tips.....Please don't hesitate to let us know what you think.....

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